• 726-999-0271
  • info@sanantonioia.org

School of Irrigation

Short Courses & Workshops Event Time: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Location: San Antonio Water System Customer Service Center – Room CR145San Antonio, Texas  Spring 2024 Course Registration Class Location Class Type Date CEU Hours* Cost Link Drip Irrigation Design & Operation San Antonio In-Person April 23, 2024 8 $165 Register Efficient Irrigation System Design San Antonio In-Person April 24, 2024 8 $165 Register Charles SwansonExtension Program Specialist – Landscape IrrigationTexas AgriLife Extension2117 Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77843Phone: (979)-845-5614clswanson@tamu.edu


Have questions? Feel free to contact Katrina Hamrick at Katrina@HamrickLawFirm.com. This information is a basic discussion and is not legal advice or a legal opinion. You should seek advice from your attorney on specific legal issues. For more information email us at info@sanantonioia.org

Required Annual Irrigation Checkups Can Contribute to Water Savings

In an effort to maximize year-round water conservation efforts, the San Antonio City Council passed a water conservation ordinance addressing a variety of water conservation opportunities. One of the provisions included in the ordinance requires that properties 5 acres or larger and properties defined as Large Use (properties that used over 1 million gallons of water for irrigation in the prior calendar year) with in-ground irrigation systems submit an annual irrigation checkup to the San Antonio Water System Conservation department by May 1 each year. Annual backflow testing is a separate requirement from the Annual Irrigation Checkup.  For information on backflow […]

April 17th CEU Opportunity

Come join us at SAWS Headquarters!! SAWS remains in Stage 2 watering restrictions as we head into spring landscaping and irrigation season.  Landscape irrigation professionals play a key role ensuring residents and businesses comply with watering rules, maintain efficient irrigation systems, and understand the value of San Antonio’s commitment to water conservation.  SAWS will be hosting Jeffery Knight with Water Educational Training Services (W.E.T.S.) on Monday April 17th at SAWS HQ for two 4-hour CEU courses.    When: April 17, 2023 Location: 2800 US Highway 281 N San Antonio, TX 78212 Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm Presenter: Jeffrey Knight Course info  Want […]

PHCC San Antonio

The Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association is dedicated to the promotion, advancement, education and training of the industry for the protection of our environment and the health, safety and comfort of society. The Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling Contractors Association – San Antonio Chapter is a professional trade association that represents P-H-C contractors throughout San Antonio, Texas, whose primary goals are the training, education, and advancement of the plumbing and mechanical professional. We strive to improve the viability of our member firms by offering useful resources and education for their employees and legislative representation for the industry as a whole. The Plumbing – […]

Message from SAWS

“Fellow irrigators, SAWS has been experiencing a lot of irrigators setting start times for new homes and commercial accounts improperly, i.e., 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. and on the weekends. We are confident that none of our SAIA friends would set start times improperly. Please spread the word to all irrigators and customers that Drought Stage 2 Watering Rules remain in effect until the forceable future. Stay warm and dry.” From: Your Friends at SAWS LANDSCAPE WATERING Watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler is allowed only once a week from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your designated watering day […]

Irrigator Advisory Council (IAC) Nomination is currently open

The nomination is open, and you may see the public notice here. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is requesting nominations for three individualsto serve on the Irrigator Advisory Council (council). Two of the individuals must be an irrigator licensedto work in Texas, and the third individual represents the public. To be eligible to be a “public member”,the person or person’s spouse may not be licensed by an occupational regulatory agency in the field ofirrigation. The person or the person’s spouse may not be employed by, participate in the management of,or have, other than as a consumer, a financial […]