• 726-999-0271
  • info@sanantonioia.org

Stage 2 Watering Rules Return

An important message from SAWS.   After a fall and winter in Stage 1 and little rainfall, Edwards Aquifer levels have continued to drop, and San Antonio is now in Stage 2 Watering Rules. Here’s a little refresher on Stage 2 Watering Rules:  1. Landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler, or soaker hose is permitted only on your designated day once a week from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. 2. Hand watering with a hand-held hose is allowed any day, any time. 3. Watering with drip irrigation or a 5-gallon bucket is permitted any day, but only between 7-11 a.m. […]